Wednesday, April 05, 2006


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I was thinking that when Minerva was devasted about losing her wings and halo, as part of the explaination of why Chris brought her there he could talk about his need for a soulmate and how he happened to get the exact frequency and vibration rate in her chakras. That could give her a better idea about the kind of resonance and harmony the list of assignments meant.

Chris could admit his mistake about thinking he was creating something and apologize for hijacking her then they could start cooperating to contact Odin.

Soulmate - Wikipedia

Minerva has to fight to get Chris admitted to be her partner as a Gaudian Angel so she gets leverage on the admin by organizing the houri to strike for better working conditions, they agree to her demands and everyone grows as a result. Circe could tell them about: Aristophanes' anti-war comedy Lysistrata, written in 411 BC, has female characters, led by the eponymous Lysistrata, barricading the public funds building and withholding consensual sex from their husbands to secure peace and end the Peloponnesian War. In doing so, Lysistrata engages the support of women from Sparta, Boeotia, and Corinth. All of them are at first aghast at the suggestion of withholding sex, but they finally agree and swear an oath to support each other. The woman from Sparta, Lampito, returns home to spread the word there.


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