Sunday, April 29, 2007

Drawing from a Deeper Pool

I was considering more about priorities and what I should be putting more effort into when I read something in Ken Wilber's blog about his theory of Integral Politics that I might consider putting those principles together in my work. I could put the AQAL model more directly in the Naked Angel Flash Presentation as a framework to fit the rest of my ideas around to put them in the 4 quadrants.

Or I could do as Ken Wilber was doing in those sample chapters, put them in a fiction framework to make the principles easier to understand and more entertaining to assimilate by using the concepts in my book "An Angel's Destiny." It would probably be be easier to put it in the book since it was already heading that way, I just have to expand some of the plot and scenes to adapted to a wider scope.

One of the ideas I should go into is what he writes "The setting is a press conference being given by Integral Center who are reporting the results of a computer futures scenario, a scenario that, using the AQAL Code has found that around 30 years from now there will occur a tetra-Singularity of staggering proportions. Think of it like the Technological singularity described by Ray Kurzweil--except that his Singularity only refers to the Right-Hand quadrants, not the interior or Left-Hand quadrants, where, the AQAL Code predicts, we will finally have over 10% of the population reaching truly Integral (or ‘second-tier') levels-hence, a Singularity-like occurrence in all four quadrants." That would certainly help the plot if Minerva was helping to prepare Chris for that and guiding him in the direction towards the events that made up the Tipping Point which would made the Singularity happen in a positive fashion

That is the point Ken Wilber makes when he asks "What good is a Singularity if a dictator controls the technology, or even a malicious AI like in the Matrix?" That's why an Integral Politics is needed since having access to new resources and techniques is no benefit if they aren't distributed to those who need them and only used to oppress. What good does having a Manifest Destiny to spread the species if all it's going to do is use it to exploit those it comes in contact with and those who form the colonies?

He goes into the idea that a Prime Directive is needed since each stage of developement should be respected at each station in life but you should only govern from the highest stage. because each of those stages and stations has an interior and a exterior that represents "I the individual" or "We the people"

Ken Wilber brings up the idea that sounded a lot like what Oracle proposed to solve the problem the Architect had with the Matrix when he told Neo "She stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly ninety-nine percent of the test subjects accepted the program provided they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of it at a near-unconscious level." he proposed something very similar that in order to get around the dilemma of the individuals rights being overshadowed in societies rights that if they are participating in the political process that they will accept giving up some individual rights for the good of society. So it can't be just an elite at the highest stage of developement, all others in the community have to have at a voice in the process for it to work.

The job that Minerva has is to guide people through those stages of developement so they can make the choices that would benefit both themselves and society. So I could put more situations where she could do that after she gets her wings back to affect a wider scope of people than just Chris with the choices he makes. Maybe she can guide him into having a voice in getting members or collecting resources for the Trialectic Parliment to govern World Affairs that Ken Wilber proposed. Or maybe Minerva can help them both with some Integral Life Practice that would benefit Chris as much as they would her.

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