Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Trusting the dots

Even though I've been getting more exposure for my last few videos by using that Most Responded trick to get them viewed more. I'm not sure what purpose it's serving.

At least Dennis liked my PSA and said it was one of the best videos I've done.

But I doubt it's going to get that Mother's day video into the Revver Head of the Class.

I've supposedly made $34 from Revver so far, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to get a check from them or if I'll have to fight about using PayPal or not. I did do a good first episode of The Writer's Nightmare on there

But after the reception An Angel's Destiny got I'm not sure if anyone will pay attention to it favorably. I haven't been able to get much work done on my porfolio and with all the struggle I've had to get designs approved on the doors, banners and web pages, I'm wondering how much it will be worth the to get my portfolio updated.

Back in August I posted about that speech that Steve Jobs gave was considering a new direction. Now I'm wondering what my priorities should be and what I should devote more of my time to. Should I be trust that the dots will connect in the future if I put enough effort into my porfolio to bring about more opportunities to afford more to make life better?

Or should I be focusing more on doing what I love and trust that the future will work out flowing from that love? There are a few choices especially since I have the chance to choose to let my disability take care of the bills and devote more time to The Naked Angel Presentation so I can try to put the framework to communicate more important far ranging spiritual subjects in a practical way. Instead of just bending to someone elses idea of what is going to sell and be acceptable to clients.

The downside to that is that there is a time limit on how long the trailer is going to last and how stable the living situation is where I seem to need to have a routine to get out and about of a regular basis for health reasons. I'm not sure how I'm going to advance that if I'm staying at home working on the Flash project for the Naked Angel. I could try it for the summer and see how much progress I can make on it and if I love it to continue to make it a priority.

Or should I put more effort into finishing manuscript for An Angel's Destiny? Getting an agent and a publisher would help to afford to improve our living situation and that survey of job satisfaction ranked authors near the top of the list. But it still has that downside of a regular schedule and I also could try it for the summer and see how much I love it to finish it.

The 3 things Steve Jobs talks about in his speech trust that the dots will connect, do what you love and don't settle. The portfolio doesn't pass the last 2 since it's not what I love and it's settling for traditional dogma, but it might help the dots to connect later on. The Naked Angel might connect the dots it's hard to tell, it's what I love and it's what I would want to leave as a legacy if I did die the day after I finished it. But that also applies to An Angel's Destiny with better odds that the dots will connect than the Naked Angel, so with that in mind maybe I should make that my priority.

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