Monday, January 29, 2007

On track so far

I'm making progress with the "Soulmates in Peril" video. Although the Dungeons of Desire prop didn't work out since it was made for more still images and wasn't very animation friendly. I switched to demons as the villains and used a more illustrated frame of reference having them jump in and out of a book. I finished the scene where Belle is summoned to kidnap one of the soulmates and she twirls up out of a blackened rose and grabs the gal then twirls back down to escape.

Next I'll have a chase where the guy is after Belle to rescue the gal, that's always thrilling and romantic. I was thinking that if I shot some live footage on the Butte Campus of the guy asking someone if they had seen Belle that would be really cool to composite the animation with it. I could composite some other landscape scenes that they could chase across also.

I still have to come up with an ending though. I figure it'll have to be a showdown with the demon over the Purple Rose, that'll force a choice between saving the gal and giving up the powers to those with evil intentions. I want to have it come down to something like in The Mummy Returns where Evie risks her life for her man and the other gal decides to leave her guy to save her own life

I can use the greed for the Purple Rose against them. The difference between the Heroes and the Villains is that the hero will sacrifice themselves for the greater good and the Villains will betray each other for selfish purposes.

So when the demon is trying to blackmail him to give up the Purple Rose in order to save her, he chooses his love for her instead of the risk of what could happen if they Rose fell into the wrong hands.

But when the demon gets it then Belle will betray him in order to grab the power of the Rose. That will give her the opportunity to defeat Belle and for him get the Purple Rose back.

That's the kind of thing I had in mind to show the love beween the soulmates, since people who care about each other can cooperate better and use teamwork to accomplish things they couldn't on their own. Selfish people are only concerned with themselves and compete with others to make sure everyone else loses while only they win.

It's a good example of the Atman Project that the Heroes will choose ego death to transcend the substitute sacrifice and go beyond the boundaries for those they love to include a greater realm. The Villains will hold onto the solid ego and choose defeat rather than let go of the selfish desires of the symbolic substute.

So after they chase across the live footage they can arrive back at the Demon Altar, where Belle has the gal strapped to the table for a sacrifice and the Demon has a knife at her throat. The demon demands the Purple Rose and the guy demands that they let her go before he gives it to them. The demon releases her and he hands the Rose over to him. Belle runs a sword through the Demon to grab the Rose and then the gal grabs a spear to fight Belle and defeats her while the guy grabs the Rose back.

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